Tuesday, 4 March 2025

What's your favoite way to read?

 It's my opinion that the best way to read is usually curled up under a blanket on a rainy day, preferable with a snuggly pal. 

BUT - these days, it's all about format! When snuggled up with your pal, are you listening to a full cast audiobook production? Pulling out one of many books stuffed in a slim E-reader? or cracking the spine of a print book? 

After all, we have to "pick our poison"!

(American Institute of Pharmacy, jar and bottle display. Credit: Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Theodor Horydczak Collection, [reproduction number, e.g., LC-H824-0224])

For me, I use them all.  But over the past 2 years I've gravitated strongly to audiobooks, mostly because I can play them in the car, at the gym, and on the couch. Plus, my eyes look at "close work" all week and I love giving them a break! I was sort of opposed to them for myself but then I decided to try one, and that opposition drifted right away. These days my least favorite is the e-reader. It may be MY e-reader- which is a relic, and is glitchy, and frustrating, but in general, if I can get it on audio, or in a print version, I'll do that before I use an e-book. Despite the portability of a book collection in an e-reader or even now with an app, I just...don't love the e-reader as much as i thought I would. 

  That said, I use the e-reader a lot as sending Advanced Reader Copies to e-readers is very economical for publishers and I'm never one to turn down an advanced copy of an anticipated book in ANY format.  Send it!  I love it. 

Sadly, use of audio and e-reader for me hasn't garnered a lot of savings, because... I mean... I often need a trophy book to sit on my shelf, to let the world (and by world, I mean, my house)  know I've read that fantastic book. 

After all:

(Bill Sokol, Artist 1966  https://lccn.loc.gov/2015647888)

So what's your reading format?  Has it changed over the years? let's chat in the comments! 


  1. I really like getting into a real book, but my Kobo saves me money, and it's fun to decorate!

  2. Audiobooks! I have trouble with my vision so I really like the audiobooks, and then e-readers because I can make the font bigger. I love how easy it is to borrow through the Libby app my library has.

  3. Really cute dog! My reading buddy is a perfect tubby cat.

    1. Thanks! She's a wild one when she's awake, but asleep, she's an angel!

  4. Those full cast productions are really great. it's like being in a theatre, I guess a theatre of the mind, but still. I find a lot of audiobooks to be boring as a person just reads out the words, but the full cast ones are my choice now.

  5. My favorite is print book, but I use the e-reader a lot. I don't like audiobooks that much- it feels like I'm not reading to me.


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